I have to say when I signed up to #BlogOnMosi it was with my fingers crossed behind my back. I was convinced that I’d bail at some point but then andthelittleonesaid signed up and I had a nice little email chat with tiredmummyoftwo and then I started a little musical project with ghostwritermummy and now it’s only 3 days away and I’m blogging about it so I kind of think I’m committed now.
Oh crikey.
You see, I’m still not entirely sure yet whether I’m worthy of being called a blogger.
How many blogs does one have to write before one is officially a blogger?
How good do you have to be at actually writing stuff?
How informed do you have to be?
How many people have to actually read it?
And what about all those established bloggers who’ve been doing it for years?
Is there really room at the back (standing room perhaps?) for all these newbies?
Surely it must piss them off that now blogging is ‘on trend’ and every Tom, Dick and Sally has started blogging?
Yeah well, if you can’t beat ‘em..
I’m still not exactly sure why I started blogging. The shocking truth is that I only got a Twitter account to promote my Laid Back Lullabies album but that led me to the wonderful world of mummy bloggers and I started reading, commenting and interacting, before finally meeting some of the biggies at a work event, before taking the plunge and having a go last November and now here I am.
I’m Sarah.
I’m 37 for a mere 4 further weeks.
And I can talk. A great deal. Preferably accompanied by tea and cake or even better, wine.
Proud mother to 3 kids: 2 girls, 7 and nearly 5. 1 big energetic boy, nearly 3. 1 Beagle.
Not massively vocal with my opinions, except when it comes to how I like my tea, but I admire those in the blogging world who aren’t scared to voice their perspective and I’m gradually building up the courage to say what I think, just not quite yet.
I live out in the sticks in a draughty old farmhouse, stuck on the edge of the gusty, rugged Lancashire moors. Quite old-fashioned really, I feel strongly about protecting childhood and strive to have happy, grubby kids in wellies with big imaginations and my noisy, bustling house is a permanent tip.
I love camping, glamping, dog walks followed by a pub with a roaring fire, wholesome family stuff like picnics, bike rides, home baking and traditional parties with pass the parcel. Love cooking, entertaining and of course music and singing. I really did want to be a pop star for a very long time but clearly life took over and I wouldn’t trade my 3 peachy kids for any amount of fame and fortune.
Work wise, I could talk at length about the difficulties juggling a job with motherhood but, thankfully, I’ve managed to break-free of the corporate world after 15 years in marketing & innovation and have just started my own business with an ex-colleague which is gobbling up a lot of my tweeting/blogging time as I’ve started blogging for that too.
I still have a really love/hate relationship with twitter (see this post http://mymummysings.co.uk/nobody/) and occasionally go silent for days on end when real life takes over and, dare I say, I’m still not entirely sure blogging is for me, though I find it strangely compelling and each time I think no more, something spurs me on…
Something makes me think BlogOnMosi will do just that.
SO I will be brave. I will show.
I look forward to putting faces to names.
I look forward to learning a bit more about this blogging lark.
I look forward to joining the big huddle of scaredy cat newbies at the back, though when I’m nervous I talk a lot so you have been warned…
(But by the time I work out the linky thing (still not good with linkys) it’ll be Sunday already)
Want to meet the others? http://www.blogsupnorth.co.uk/1/post/2013/07/so-your-coming-to-blog-on-who-are-you-linky.html